
"Weaponized" E-Coli Outbreak?

According to some doctors and researchers, The most virulent strain of E. coli that they have ever seen, which produces the dangerous Shiga toxin is afflicting Germany.

It is more plausible that this superbug was bioengineered to be resistant to 8 antibiotic medications than of this having occurred naturally.

All it takes to become sickened is about 100 bacteria -- which isn't much in the world of bacteria, which are normally counted by the millions. After an incubation period of two to 10 days, patients experience watery or bloody diarrhea.

Scientists are also wondering why the bacteria does not affect children as much as adults.

Does this bacteria only target a certain population group?

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Making Plans For Nigel

The Plot to Kill the AfRAkan

This morning while listing to my favorite news program on the radio I heard an interview with a so called “Population expert”. The title of the segment was “World Population Projected to Surpass 9 Billion by 2050”. This was not surprising because I have been hearing the same thing before on a consistent basis. Some are even predicting that by 2100 the world population could hit 15 billion.

I suppose the concern is justified because there are so many areas of the planet where famine and drought is ravaging entire populations. Aid organizations make a business out of preaching about the dire conditions of the so called “Third World”. There is no doubt that there is a crisis but what is cause for alarm to me is what these so called population experts are proposing. 

One foreign policy analyst working for the center for population growth singles out AfRAka as the target region that they will be working on reducing population growth. She pointed out that AfRAkan fertility rates averaging 6.5 children per family as too high and the target goal should be around 2.1. Why are they picking on AfRAka especially when other so called experts are pointing out that fertility rates in the Middle East and South Asia are much higher?

The rate of population growth of the various countries of the world is calculated by determining the differences between their birth rates and death rates. Although most countries populations continue to rise on a consistent basis, most experts say that world population trends have experienced a surge in the past 40yrs due to the baby boomer effect in the developed world and not the third world. That analysis was quickly countered with the suggestion that some births in developing countries are not registered.  Which leaves me to ask, if they are not registered in the first place then how can they be included in statistics? 

The plan therefore is to create a crisis then step in to offer solutions. One of the things that they say is that contraception is lacking in AfRAka. Many AfRAkans would love to have more forms of birth control. They even site studies that show that contraception was introduced in communities in Kenya that at first did not want it but after awhile it became completely accepted. I guess it is like saddling a wild horse. At first it resists but once you show that the saddle poses no harm the horse loves it. Wow! Come and save us from ourselves mr european.

These “animal tamers” are going as far as pointing out that the more educated someone is it’s the less they want to have children and that wealth also has the same affect. University educated reasoning; The more money one has the less he/she will reproduce. Does Arnold Schwarzenegger know about that one? What about John Edwards? Wouldn’t you think that one of the solutions to help the Africans would be to stop raping the continent of its resources and let the afrakans develop their own wealth. By that logic they would be wealthy and therefore not have so many children?

Their solutions. They point out that if the population in AfRAka continues to grow unchecked it could triple from 1 billion to 3.6 billion by century’s end. Their solutions therefore are to further intervene in the development of AfRAka. They plan to implement psychological measures through Aid organizations. By expanding education about contraception they will try to re-educate and indoctrinate western values on the AfRAkan.

At the same time if they are not doing so already they will  spray pesticides laced with disease causing microbes that will make their way up through the food chain undetected. These microbes will form cancer and other diseases. They will do the same with the water supply. They will cut funding for AIDS research and Malaria. They will covertly incite conflict and war among the different tribes. They will flood AfRAka with drugs and increase tobacco and alcohol sales and call it free enterprise.

Ultimately they will say that they are not trying to tell the AfRAkan how to live, they are simply providing better choices for their benefit. They will call themselves humanitarians but we know how and by what means the devil operates.

COVID-19 Was Created

COVID-19 was created by mistake by a team of research scientists in China who were studying why Bats are the hosts of so many respiratory ...