
COVID-19 Was Created

COVID-19 was created by mistake by a team of research scientists in China who were studying why Bats are the hosts of so many respiratory viruses. Their ultimate goal was to develop a health remedy or Coronavirus vaccine but ended up creating a super virus instead.

This is the theory presented by the creator of this video after taking the time to trace information on the viral pandemic back to its source in Wuhan, China. At Afro-Conscious Media we don’t subscribe to conspiracies as most conspiracies are based on ignorance, mis-information, and people’s pre-existing fears of authority, the elite class, and other Races.

As some of us may know, Coronaviruses are not new, they were first noticed in humans since the early Sixties. Most Corona Viruses are not deadly to us. They cause such illnesses as the Common Cold, Flues, and some cause more deadly Diseases like MRSA and SARS. Since more frequent and deadly strains of Coronaviruses are emerging in societies across the world, many countries have been hard at work trying to find an effective Coronavirus Vaccine.

In this video, the individual in question lays out his reasons for presenting his theory that COVID-19 was created by mistake. He also states that his motivation for his research was not to push a conspiracy but to gain knowledge as there were too many unanswered questions about the new Coronavirus. This is the kind of information we like because it does not appear to be based on any pre-existing biases. It simply encourages the revelation of truth no matter how embarrassing or uncomfortable the truth might be to some people.

If COVID-19 was created then why don’t the Chinese admit their mistake. Truth requires Accountability but unfortunately, humanity is suffering from Spiritual deficiency so the Consciences of most humans is weak. Another reason is that the phrase “human family” is only a comforting theory. The reality is that humanity is deeply separated racially, culturally, religiously, and politically. The world most powerful countries only cooperate because of the economical benefits it provides.

Economic benefit also brings about economic responsibility and because of the dysfunctions of the human family, the rest of humanity would no doubt want to hold China economically responsible for the thousands of people being killed by COVID-19 around the world. The substitute behavior of the Chinese is therefore to use the (deny and reciprocate blame) rule. First they blamed the US military and now they're blaming Africans

Was COVID-19 created by scientists in China? After watching this video, you might begin to believe it was but one thing is certain, due to the unaccountable ways of humans, the truth will get pushed further into obscurity as time goes by. Truth is necessary but instead of determining the truth in order to lay blame, or come up with all sorts of foolish conspiracy theories that don’t make sense, we need to be learning how to protect our health as well as creating cures for COVID-19 and other deadly diseases.


"Weaponized" E-Coli Outbreak?

According to some doctors and researchers, The most virulent strain of E. coli that they have ever seen, which produces the dangerous Shiga toxin is afflicting Germany.

It is more plausible that this superbug was bioengineered to be resistant to 8 antibiotic medications than of this having occurred naturally.

All it takes to become sickened is about 100 bacteria -- which isn't much in the world of bacteria, which are normally counted by the millions. After an incubation period of two to 10 days, patients experience watery or bloody diarrhea.

Scientists are also wondering why the bacteria does not affect children as much as adults.

Does this bacteria only target a certain population group?

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Making Plans For Nigel

The Plot to Kill the AfRAkan

This morning while listing to my favorite news program on the radio I heard an interview with a so called “Population expert”. The title of the segment was “World Population Projected to Surpass 9 Billion by 2050”. This was not surprising because I have been hearing the same thing before on a consistent basis. Some are even predicting that by 2100 the world population could hit 15 billion.

I suppose the concern is justified because there are so many areas of the planet where famine and drought is ravaging entire populations. Aid organizations make a business out of preaching about the dire conditions of the so called “Third World”. There is no doubt that there is a crisis but what is cause for alarm to me is what these so called population experts are proposing. 

One foreign policy analyst working for the center for population growth singles out AfRAka as the target region that they will be working on reducing population growth. She pointed out that AfRAkan fertility rates averaging 6.5 children per family as too high and the target goal should be around 2.1. Why are they picking on AfRAka especially when other so called experts are pointing out that fertility rates in the Middle East and South Asia are much higher?

The rate of population growth of the various countries of the world is calculated by determining the differences between their birth rates and death rates. Although most countries populations continue to rise on a consistent basis, most experts say that world population trends have experienced a surge in the past 40yrs due to the baby boomer effect in the developed world and not the third world. That analysis was quickly countered with the suggestion that some births in developing countries are not registered.  Which leaves me to ask, if they are not registered in the first place then how can they be included in statistics? 

The plan therefore is to create a crisis then step in to offer solutions. One of the things that they say is that contraception is lacking in AfRAka. Many AfRAkans would love to have more forms of birth control. They even site studies that show that contraception was introduced in communities in Kenya that at first did not want it but after awhile it became completely accepted. I guess it is like saddling a wild horse. At first it resists but once you show that the saddle poses no harm the horse loves it. Wow! Come and save us from ourselves mr european.

These “animal tamers” are going as far as pointing out that the more educated someone is it’s the less they want to have children and that wealth also has the same affect. University educated reasoning; The more money one has the less he/she will reproduce. Does Arnold Schwarzenegger know about that one? What about John Edwards? Wouldn’t you think that one of the solutions to help the Africans would be to stop raping the continent of its resources and let the afrakans develop their own wealth. By that logic they would be wealthy and therefore not have so many children?

Their solutions. They point out that if the population in AfRAka continues to grow unchecked it could triple from 1 billion to 3.6 billion by century’s end. Their solutions therefore are to further intervene in the development of AfRAka. They plan to implement psychological measures through Aid organizations. By expanding education about contraception they will try to re-educate and indoctrinate western values on the AfRAkan.

At the same time if they are not doing so already they will  spray pesticides laced with disease causing microbes that will make their way up through the food chain undetected. These microbes will form cancer and other diseases. They will do the same with the water supply. They will cut funding for AIDS research and Malaria. They will covertly incite conflict and war among the different tribes. They will flood AfRAka with drugs and increase tobacco and alcohol sales and call it free enterprise.

Ultimately they will say that they are not trying to tell the AfRAkan how to live, they are simply providing better choices for their benefit. They will call themselves humanitarians but we know how and by what means the devil operates.

How To Enter And Feed Your Brain

Your Brain is the friendliest organ you have. Unfortunately, you've never learned how to enter her world to share her GREAT WISDOM with you. Your Brain is very important because it is the center of consciousness. Consciousness is what defines your present reality based on the efficiency of your sensory organs. In order to Enter and Feed Your Brain you need to know how it works.

First we begin by entering your Brain. How do you know if your brain is functioning properly if you cannot get into it, test, and tune it up. There is means to get you where you want to go, no Shrink or Brain Surgeon necessary. The Dohgon BSI Test is your Brain Ship, or call it Brain rocket to jettison you into the deepest unexplored layers of your brain.

The Dohgon BSI Test is the essential system because it stimulates your brain to function with what the Dohgon describe as DUALITY Communications. DUALITY Communication causes your 2 brain hemispheres to acknowledge what’s external to you and what has always been internal to you. Now, discover what’s always been internal to you in order to make relevant with what’s currently external to you with the following:

Who Am I?
What’s My purpose In Life?
What’s My Responsibility as A human?
Am I Sincere about My Actions?
Am I Exploitative of others Weaknesses?
Am I always Thinking only about Myself at the expense of Others?

The purpose of the BSI test is neurological. It will discover the state of synchronicity between your 2 brain hemispheres. Take a look at the 2 brains above. This test about discovering the problems that affect your mind is a very easy test. You will perform this test in your own kitchen or living room. The test is repetitive at 3 levels, with each level rising to a more difficult level of challenge.

Think of your stria that connects both brain hemispheres as your shoe laces. The shoe lace is a communicator. Its purpose is to ensure that each foot is adequately secure within the confines of each shoe. The tight feeling you get when you tie your shoe laces reassures your safety and enhances your ability to perform properly on your feet. In effect, your shoe laces communicate synchronized sensory feeling within each foot.

Once this feeling is accepted, you can now walk, run, dance and perform many tasks without worrying about tripping and falling. If you do not tie your shoe laces properly, you know that sooner or later, you'll be tripping. This will make you uncomfortable, unstable and anxious. Imagine this type of feeling and many more that you get with loose stria nerves between your brain hemispheres.

Take the BSI Test to discover how these features have been permeating within you for all your life. The SOLUTIONS are in your hands. STOP covering your back and START exposing your moral CONSCIENCE. Request the BSI Test and discover whether your stria nerves which connect your 2 brain hemispheres, are tight or loose. Only then can you begin to learn how to feed your Brain.


War In The Neural Zone

The Sodium Ion Bullet Unfriendly Fire

The Arizona shooter was a problem waiting to happen. Sodium Ion bullets were firing randomly in his neural zones for a long time. Authorities knew about it, but could not make peace within him. Thousands of such conditions are happening with children taking guns to school and shooting at their teachers.

What is the problem? Disjointed Mental Concentration is the problem! Professor MOmOH (The Man Who Knows Everything) identified the problem long ago and only he has the solution! Fix these concentrations, solve the pain. Save society!

Here is how he solves the problem with “The War In The Neural Zone”. He uses the ancient African method. It is the Eye Of Heru code. With this method professor MOmOH shows you all the hidden functions of the two brain hemispheres. Your left and right brains as well as the Corpus Callosum. The Corpus Callosum is the material that connects the two hemispheres and facilitates interhemispheric communication.

Observe the organic numbers that you see in the video projecting out of the Ion image. These numbers actually traverse inside the left brain and then they initiate more waves inside the vesicles in the left brain. These waves then begin to attract nerves within your Corpus Callosum straya.

So in affect you have the numbers and waves constantly going from left brain through straya Corpus Callosum to right brain. What the Eye of Heru does is it sends out force fields. These force fields are waves. The waves traverse every memory bringing solutions.

Observe the video with the two brain hemispheres with the different color waves passing back and forth between. The solution to these problems comes with the different harmonic waves and colors that you see. There is a very interesting dynamic happening within your brain that traditional MRI machines will not measure.

At the Dohgon University of Thought they don’t play games with your brain. They don’t fool around with all that fake “read your mind” stuff. What they do is they give you a very abstract system that works. That is what you and your child are going to get with the Dohgon solution.

Professor MOmOH has designed a six step approach to completely resolve the problem.

0) Steady visual scanning and viewing
1) Skilled Corpus Callosum Information Processing
2) Left-Right Brain Referencing
3) Left-Right Brain Collaborative Effort
4) Eye-Hand Conscious Implementation
5) Speech-Sound Conscious Implementation

Get the Dohgon Numbers Cure Now!
E-mail professormomoh@dohgonuniversity.com


Non Invasive Healing

PET scan of a human brain with Alzheimer's diseaseImage via Wikipedia
Do you suffer from Depression, PTSD(post traumatic stress disorder), Anxiety, Fear, Autism or Alzheimer's. Do you believe that you can ever be healed without medicine? NO? Allow me to introduce you to professor MOmOH, the man who knows everything about the human mind. His discovery of the basic formulas for human thought, memory, and concentration has enabled him to decipher the codes to the dark universe known as the human mind.

Prof MOmOH is a direct descendant of the Dogon people of Mali West Africa. The Dogon are proven to have extensive knowledge of astrology way before modern technology. For instance, they knew that the star Sirius which is the brightest star in the night sky is actually a binary star. It wasn’t until the mod 19th century that astronomers actually proved it.  Professor MOmOH traces his lineage back to his great great great grandfather who thought at the universities in Timbuktu.

 At 63 years old Prof MOmOH has been an engineer and mathematician for over half of his life. In that time and through his fascination for numbers he developed many formulas for complex problems that he encountered in his career. However, it wasn’t until 1984 that he experienced a “eureka” moment where everything started to unravel and the understanding of the inner and outer universes started to make sense.

Living in Los Angeles California at the time of the 1984 Olympics prof MOmOH decided to document and study the performance of every athletes that was competing in the event as possible. After the event was over he charted and studied all his data he had compiled. It was then that he discovered that there were 5 zones of mental concentration which determined the achievement of each individual athlete.

Today professor MOmOH has the answers that will cure any sickness and even explain the creation of the universe itself. He works with ADHD youth and people of all ages and cultures. He has founded a school called The Dohgon University Of Thought where he lectures, teaches, and does online correspondence. He has developed the The Pineal Gland Tester Gauge which is the only method in the world for measures your Serotonin syndrome and Melatonin Symphony ratios.

Too much Serotonin causes a syndrome that leads to diseases that are characterized by speeding heart beats from which the following symptoms emerge: fear and flight, anxiety and anger, stress and frustrations, and doubt and insecurities. Serotonin is responsible for everything that destabilizes and disorients you.

Melatonin on the other hand harmonizes your inter and intracellular rhythms by increasing your motivation to think constructively and productively. Melatonin gives you joy and make you feel good about yourself because it's your neurotransmitter of: reason, constructive communication, care, concern, patience and morality. 

So you are probably saying to yourself, “well what proof does he have?” Professor MOmOH has first hand experience that his non invasive medical cures work because he has cured himself and countless others over the past 25 years. He has healed himself of a partially paralyzing stroke and cured an 82yr old woman of Alzheimer’s disease. These and many more amazing accounts can be found on his website at   http://www.dohgonuniversity.com. Also see his many videos at you-tube. 

Professor MOmOH is so confident that he challenges anyone to dispute his knowledge. Think you know more about the mind, the universe, and the building blocks of life? Professor MOmOH says you don’t and through his use of simple NUMBERS he can heal you and teach you what you need to know for a happier, healthier and more productive life.  


How To Achieve Goals Using Metaphysics

Mankind has entered a new phase of extraordinary spiritual awakening. Many individuals are
becoming aware that the unseen forces that govern nature are also affecting us. We may believe that we have dominion over nature but in reality we are not exempt from its pulling and pushing forces. Furthermore, we are learning that many of these forces can be affected by us far more than we realize.

There are three main forces that can be found anywhere in nature. They are magnetism, electricity, and gravity. Our life energy is sustained through the continuous interaction of all three. What we are beginning to find out is that we can attract anything that we desire if we know how to correctly tune your life energies.
When we think, millions of tiny neurons send electrical sparks between each other. This sparking creates an electrical field that is our mind. You can strengthen your minds electrical field by increasing your knowledge. Your heart is a magnetic field. The strength of the field is enhanced through signals from your brain and results in the Emotions you feel. Love, hate, fear, and guilt, are just a few. Gravity is a force of attraction only between bodies that have mass.

How it works. The mind generates an electrical field. This field charges up the heart magnet and an electromagnetic field is formed. That electromagnetic field builds up a gravitational field that attracts energy from the outside world. If you leave home in the morning feeling happy you will encounter happy people. Whatever mood you are in that is the kind of people and things that you will attract to you.

So if we can attract anything we desire then why don't we? The main reason why you don't is because you cannot fake karma. One of the main principles of Karma says (You attract to you what you are not what you want). That is; if you want to find love but you are not a loving person then you will only attract others like yourself who do not love. Work on changing your character first. It is a likewise formula for attracting wealth. You have to program your gravitational field by seeking knowledge in the field of your desire. Also start learning the ways of the wealthy and emulate them.

Doubt also plays a very large art in the process of desire fulfillment. Once you set forth in programming an attraction you cannot have doubt. If you apply for a job and you are not confident in your abilities to perform that job you will counter oppose your gravitational field by producing doubt. With the production of doubt you will begin to feel that you will not get the job. Negative energy now assures that you won’t get the job.

Putting it into practice. First you start by training your mind to focus on one thing at a time. Simply pay attention to the things in plain sight, do not let your mind wonder. You can practice using the disciplines found in meditation. The next step is to replace wishful thinking with positive intent. You have to believe that your desires will be fulfilled. Now set a time period for your goal. For example, It is the beginning of the month and you see that you will need $3000 to pay your bills at the end of the month but you will definitely not have the full amount.

Program your gravitational field by visualizing yourself having the money at the end of the month. Next, put it to the back of your mind and do not dwell on it. Dwelling on it creates doubt which will reprogram the gravity field to produce the product of your doubt and not what you desired. Every time the problem floats to the surface you reinforce it with positive affirmations and forget about it.

Maintain a positive outlook on life at all times. Your Gravitational Field affects everything from people to nature and any situation with manipulative variables. Practice as much as you can and soon you will notice positive changes in your mental, spiritual, and physical development as well as the achievement of many of your goals.


Terrorism is classified as the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion. By using terrorism individuals and/or organizations attempt to bring light to a political cause, end an economical condition, or to resist an opposing religion or ideology.

Terrorists believe that they have no alternative options to counter what is usually a very larger opponent such as the government, a financial institution, or a Religion. I liken it to the "Davis and Goliath" scenario in the bible. Terrorists often have no problem killing and maiming random civilians at random places and at random times to achieve their goal or give publicity to their causes. In return, terrorist believe the publicity resulting from the act will cause more violence and uprisings. Eventually, terrorists believe this will force changes in favor of their political, economic, or religious views.

Political terrorism usually takes place within the confines of a country. Different political organizations develop differing political views as to where the country should be going. Lines are drawn between conservative and liberal socialist ideology. One usually blaming the others for the state of the country's poor economic and social condition. Propaganda fuels disdain until someone snaps and takes matters into his own hands. The terrorism can take the form of an assassination as with (JFK) or the bombing of a government building as in Oklahoma with Timothy McVeigh.

Economic terrorism occurs as an opposition to capitalist ideology. It can take place anywhere in the world and against a particular country, a Financial organization or a company. The most infamous case of economic terrorism is 911 but there are others like Oil pipeline bombings in Nigeria, and mining company bombings in south America. On Sept 11 2001 the Terrorist organization Al-Queda led by Ben Laden organized a major economic statement against the center of world capitalism, the twin towers that housed the World Trade Organization. Since then Al-Queda has vowed to attack every symbol of US imperialism anywhere in the world and has been affective or thwarted on several other occasions.

In most middle eastern countries where Islam is the major religion the country is politically subjected to strict religious and social laws. Western culture is frowned upon. Over the past 25yrs the world has changing through the insistence of Globalization. Major western corporations want into the middle east but religious fundamentalists want them kept out allowing only the oil giants to operate under strict guidelines. Over time small but well funded Islamic fundamentalist groups like Al-Queda who dislike increasing economic and cultural influence into Islamic regions have taken up the cause for the defense of Islamic values.

In Nigeria the the Oil company Shell has been the victim of several terrorist attacks over the years. tribal groups who are in opposition to the exploitation of their lands have blowing up the pipe lines that carry oil from the inland refineries to the coastal ports where the oil is loaded onto tanker ships. The conflict came about mainly because the government of the country does not adequately compensate the tribes with some of the billions of dollars that they get from the oil company. The oil company therefore bears the brunt of the terrorism while the government army is relegated to being a security force for them.

In South America where mining and farming have become major industries the native people who have been pushed off their lands further and further into the jungles are using terrorism to fight back. Not surprisingly the major companies hire ruthless security henchmen as counter measure. These henchmen have been known to massacre whole villages in a reverse terrorism stance. The severe brutality of their acts are used as a deterrent to other disgruntled tribes.

Religious terrorism is arguably the most dangerous of the three major forms of terrorism. It started thousands of years in the middle east and is the product of festering grievances between Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Religious ideology can be considered a step-father of the others because it can and does greatly influence ones political and economical views. The more religious a person is the more conservative he tends to be and the less religious the more Liberal. Conservatives are usually upset about the moral principles in relation to the lifestyle of a people and culture.

For thousands of years there have been brutal wars between the Jews of Israel and their surrounding Arab neighbors. Over time the Jews became fragmented and most were either driven out or voluntarily re-located into Europe, Asia, Africa, and the United States. After the events of WW2 where aprox 2 to 5 million Jews in Europe were killed by Hitler the United Nations re-drew the map of the middle east and gave Israel back to the Jews. The Palestinian people who were inhabiting the land were pushed out to accommodate the repatriating Jews. Not surprisingly conflict imminently flared up and the UN had to support the Jews with arms to defend themselves.

The Jews who were like "David" soon became the "Goliath" of the middle east and by the 70's they were considers one of the most well armed country in the world. They still boast their own Nuclear arsenal that could obliterate any of their Arab neighbors within the blink of an eye. The Arabs, most of which are now Muslims turned to terrorism to get back at Israel. One of the most infamous incidents occurred in Munich during the 1972 Olympic games. 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage and eventually murdered by Black September, a militant Palestinian liberation group.

Over the years numerous acts of terrorism has been perpetuated by other religious organizations such as the IRA in Ireland but it is the Islamists that have found it to be an effective tool. For them the promise of martyrdom and eternal life at the side of God makes it easy to blow themselves up along with as much enemy as possible. With each act Muslims in the middle east and other parts of the world have become increasingly sympathetic and emboldens to the cause of their fellow Islamic brothers.

Most view the case of the Palestinians as western hypocrisy and an injustice. Although many also viewed Saddam Husein as a tyrant and a brutal dictator they also feel that America didn't take him out to help the Iraqi people but rather to get further control of middle eastern oil. Today they continue to carry out terrorist acts against each other because of tribal divisions and for betraying Islam by being sympathetic to the foreigners.

America and every country worldwide have become nervous, guarded and suspicious of it's own citizens which means that terrorism works to a certain extent. Terrorism it self was not started by Muslims and will not end with Muslims. As long as there are people who feel that their cause is worth killing for then terrorism will always exist. We can slow it down but realistically speaking I don't believe it can ever be prevented.

Child Porn

The local news headline for March 11, 2010 read, Provincial raids result in 122 charges against 35 people, including some as young as 15”. This headline though shocking is not unique. Almost every week I hear of someone getting charged with possession and distribution of child porn. The sick part is it is usually someone of influence and authority or someone entrusted with the care of children. Apparently one of the men charged is a teacher while another is a well known real estate developer.

A few months ago a Catholic bishop was held at the airport and charged with possession of child porn after security decided to check the contents of his lap top computer. Several other bishops and pastors have also faced charges over the years. Some even after many years when the victims decide to come forward.

The sad news doesn't stop there because closely related to child porn is pedophilia which is also rampant throughout society. News of another decade long investigation recently wrapped up with charges filed against former crown attorneys, top area officials and Roman Catholic clergymen for abusing several young native Indian boys and engaging in a system of cover ups.

I would think that with all the perverts that the police have jailed over the years that these guys would give up their sick per-occupation and seek help. The common question that one might ask is, why are so many grown men sexually attracted to children? Finding a conclusive answer is not as simple as asking the question however.

On one of the social networking sites that I frequent a user posted a question on how she could stop her husband from watching too much porn. His porn obsession was upsetting her because they were Christians and she considered it very ungodly. I attempted to answer her question in a way that she could relate and possibly help her husband instead of causing a fight.

I told her that she should let her husband know that God was using the devil to test him. God was only doing so because he wanted them to become stronger Christians. If her husband’s faith was strong enough he would be able to break the devils grip. A more secular answer would be for her to burn his porn collection and get him to a counselor.

In the case of child porn possession I am not so understanding. I don’t believe that pedophiles can help themselves. I believe in most cases it has to do with mental abnormalities that require medical intervention. If you are one of those that are into sexually exploiting children I would advise you to get help as there are many clinics that specialize in all forms of sexual addictions. If you continue to hide and thrive on your self denial you will be caught and thrown in jail. Hopefully you will end up being the one getting sexually abused.

Black History Month 2010

there is no AfricaImage by T U R K A I R O via FlickrSo it is the month of February, the shortest, coldest and some say the most depressing month of the year. Well at least up here in Canada. Anyway, February has been designated as Black History month or African Heritage Month in some circles. I like the latter because I feel that the word heritage allows people to connect the culture they currently practice to their African lineage. Many of us born in the west can't associate with African cultures anymore. It also negates the argument that there is no such thing as Black History. To add to that many Blacks have become so genetically “washed-out" that they don’t even identify with being Black anymore but that’s a different story.

We have probably become the most fragmented race on the planet. Islanders fight against other islanders, African countries fight against each other and, even separations along religious lines are tearing countries apart. American Blacks can't associate with Blacks on the continent and even worse is the animosity between light skin and dark skin. I associate all these problems with a basic lack of knowledge. That is why a designated month of reflection is important for those of us who are Black to take stock and for those who are not to recognize our contributions to society.

Black History month was founded in 1926 by United States historian Carter G. Woodson as "Negro History Week". Woodson chose the second week of February because it marked the birthdays of two Americans who greatly influenced the lives and social condition of African Americans: former President Abraham Lincoln and abolitionist and former slave Frederick Douglas. The tradition has grown and expanded to other countries including England and Canada.

While BHM is widely celebrated by many it has unfortunately met opposition among some Black who say African history is world history, we don’t need a month segregated from the rest. I say it is needed for the simple fact that Blacks have been explorers, scholars and conquerors throughout history yet many people do not know since most Black history has been omitted from mainstream historical records. I hear people even stating that Blacks have contributed nothing of worth to note.

Patents don’t lie and while most patents do not mean that the holder was the first to invent a device it recognizes a significant improvement to the idea that existed before. Black inventors have obtained many patents of note including improvements to the traffic light, the blood bank, and gas masks to name a few.

Last week I attended the official launch of Black History Month in the City of Ottawa at the Library & Archives of Canada. It was a tight well orchestrated two hour event attended by the Mayor and a few other dignitaries which included representatives from many of the various consulates in the Black Diaspora. It featured performances by local poets and musicians along with the presentation of achievement awards to outstanding members of the community. I was happy to be in attendance.

My heritage goes back to the island of Jamaica in the Caribbean. I identify myself as Black and my lineage is African. I do have some English heritage however as part of the remnants of slavery going back five or six generations. When the first European explorers stumbled upon the island in 1492 there were inhabitants already there. These people were of Native American lineage called Arawaks. Their generosity in welcoming the Europeans was reciprocated with colonization.

Most of the natives were turned into servants and slaves or died from European diseases while those who resisted were either killed or fled the island. Over time the Europeans brought slaves which they either captured or bought from Africa to replenish the dwindling native population. They were used in full force to grow and maintain the local agriculture that fueled a booming European economy. There were many bloody slave revolts on the island. Many slaves escaped the plantations and found refuge in the forests and mountains of Jamaica, some with the help of the Arawak Indians.

Many escaped slaves were later re-captured and taken to Nova Scotia, Canada in 1796, and later exiled from there to Freetown, Sierra Leone in West Africa. The remainders of these escaped slaves maintain a proud heritage up until this day and are known as Maroons.

Slavery in Jamaica was abolished in the mid 1800’s but the island remained a British colony until the early 1960’s when it finally gained its independence. Today Jamaica is still not a republic but remains a part of the British commonwealth  with the queen of England as its head of state.

The knowledge of African Heritage is important to blacks in many ways. In an era of continuous change where people are migrating and adapting cultures to assimilate; it is imperative to be grounded by the knowledge of ones self. As a tree cannot exist without roots one cannot properly determine ones direction unless he/she knows where he/she is coming from.

COVID-19 Was Created

COVID-19 was created by mistake by a team of research scientists in China who were studying why Bats are the hosts of so many respiratory ...